Sunday, December 9, 2012

Kshetram or Bharatheeya Temple

Bharatheeya Temple or Kshetram is an energizing center. A kshtram normally follows mainly 2 types of aradhana krama or methods of worship.

1) Vaideegam. Homam or havan aradhana in which we offer various things to Agni
2) Pauranika aradhana kramam. This is where vigrahas are established inside the sreekovil or the main block of the temple and worshiped upon

Vigraham  can be of 8 types
1) Hard stone
2) Red stone or clay stone
3) Marble
4) Wooden (Daaru shilpam)
5) Metallic (Panchaloham or any other metal)
6) Drawing or Painting
7) A lamp
8) Manoroopam (i.e. an image in your mind)

Kshetram or temple is like a yaga shala. It has a place called Uthara vedi, which will be either a square or circular. This is where the vigraham will be established.

Dr N Gopalakrishnan (Indian Institute of Scientific Heritage)

Vigraham and Pancha Shudhi

Visheshena Grahayithum yet sakhyam tat Vigraha.

Four type of vishesha energies, Light energy, heat energy, chemical energy and sound energy are taken and given to living beings assembled in a temple.

To go to a temple there are 5 qualities needed for a person. These are called Pancha shudhi..

1) Shareera shudhi (Body should be clean)
2) Manah shudhi (Mind should be clean)
3) Aahara shudhi (Food that eat before and after going to temple should be clean and satwik i.e. Vegetarian food)
4) Vag shudhi (Our speech should be clean)
5) Karma Shudhi (Our deeds should be clean)

The Pancha shudhi should be maintained though out our lives..

Dr N Gopalakrishnan (Indian Institute of Scientific Heritage)
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