Saturday, May 18, 2013

Value of Antient Education

apoojya yetra poojyanthe
poojyayaam cha vyathikrma
Chatvari thasya nashyanthi
Aayur Vidya yesho Balam

Saying from Manu smrithi meaning is follows..

Valuing or praising or worshiping someone who desn't deserve it,
Not valuing or praising or worshiping someone who deservs it,
Four things will be lost..
Ayus (Longevity), Vidhya (Knowledge), Yeshus (Dignity) Balam (Physical, mental and spiritual Strength)

These immortal verses are from Manu smrithi written more than 10,000 years ago. Let these words inspire our thoughts and bring back that great culture.

Friday, February 22, 2013

What does "Shri Lakshmi" means

Word "Shri" means absolute purity and greatness or divinity. "Sh" represents "Shanti", "r" represents mind and "i" represents heart. "Lakshmi" means the ultimate goal of all beings. "Lakshya" means goal and Lakshmi means the ultimate goal, which is become one with Parabhrahmam..

Meaning on Pooja

The word "Pooja" means to give birth to Punya..
"Poo" means Punya and "ja" means Jayate (or giving birth). Any deeds that give birth to punya is a Pooja.

Punya are those deeds that elevates us spiritually and bring us close to self realization.
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