Chathurvarnyam mayasrushtam
Gunakarma vibhagasha
Tasya kartharamapi mam
Vidyakartharamavyayam (4 : 13)
According to Panini’s book on Sanskrit verbs (dhathus) the varn dhathu (1845th and 1846th dhathus out of total 1944) has explanations given for “Varna” and “Guna”. “Varna” means explaining, enlightening, inspiring and crushing. Guna dhathu has meanings like inviting,advising and multiplying.
In the above sloka, Chathurvarnya has no relation with the cast system. The brahmana is who has brahma jnana and formed from face, Kshathriya means one who overcome the failures and formed from hands, Vyshya means one who enters and formed from thighs and shudra means who has tears of happiness and formed from feet. All these are part of the same body.
In our body, the function (or Karma) of Bhrahmana is to think and analyze. This symbolizes the intellect and mind. Khsatriya’s duty is to protect and defend our self. Vaishya does the day today transacations and Shudra’s duty is to do service. All these are in all of us.
In other words, You are a Bhrahmana when you learning "Bhrahma Gjana". You are Kshatriya when you apply it in you life. You are a Vaishya when you teach or give this Knowledge to others. You are Shudra when you sacrifice everything and become one with the very Bhrahmam or God..
Swami Sandeep Chaithanya
Dr N Gopalakrisnan