Saturday, August 18, 2012

"Mind" according to Bharatheeya Rishis

 Mind is classified into four divisions.

 Chittam - The part that helps us the remember things. (Physical Memory)
 Bhuddhi - The part that helps us in discursive thinking, to make decisions (Inteligence.. in general)
 "Nishchayatmika bhuddhi"
 Manaha - The part that helps us to imaging or visualize. This is the part that most of us think what Mind is.
 "Bhavanatmakam Manah"
 Ahhamkaram - The part that make us feel egoistic. This is what make us feel "I", "I am", Mine etc..

Reference: L. Girish Kumar (Mind Management)

Friday, August 17, 2012

Bhagavadgitha Quotes by Robert Oppenheimer

Divi surya sahasrasya
Bhaveth yuga paduthitha
Yadi bha sadrusi sa syath
Bhasasthasya mahathmana (11:12)

In Mahabharatha war when Arjuna saw Viswaroopam of Lord Krishna told these words with surprise. This looks like thousands of suns are rising at the same time. Nothing in this Universe is equivalent to this prabha (light). The same words quoted by Oppenheimer when he had performed first nuclear explosion at Trinity nuclear test.
His quotes was “If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the mighty one ..”

Dr. N.Gpoalakrishnan

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