Friday, March 23, 2012

One of the main slokas in Bhagavad Githa

 Bhagavath githa is part of Mahabharatham written by Veda Vyasa . It consist of 18 chapters  starting from 25 to 42 in  Bhishma parvam of Mahabharatham.

Karmanye vadhikarasthe
Ma bhaleshu kadachana
Ma karmaphalahedur bhu
Ma the sango sthwakarmani (2:47)

The four main principles of karmayoga is described here.

1. Karma yogi’s concentration is only doing karma (duty).
2.  He should not have anxiety for the result.
3. He should not have desire for a special result.
4. He should   interested in  doing  his duty.

Courtesy : The Book ‘Srimad Bhagavath Geetha’  by M.S.Chadrasekhara Varyar 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Explanation of Supreme Goal in Katha Upanishad

Definition of Brahmam in Kenopanishad

Echakshusha napasyathi
Thadeva brahmathvam vidhi
Nedam yadidamupasathe  (Kenopanishad 1.7)
Meaning :
That which does not see by the eye, and by which one sees (the work of ) the eyes, that alone know as Brahmam, not that which people here adore.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Atma (Spirit ) – Explanation in Bhagavath Geetha

Atma (Spirit) is eternal, unborn, permanent and primeval. The spirit is not destroyed when body is destroyed. Atma is said to be unexplainable , incomprehensible  and unchanging. It acquires new bodies  after casting away old bodies . Weapons do not cut this atma , fire does not burn it, water does not make it wet and wind does not make it dry.
Courtesy : The Book ‘Srimad Bhagavath Geetha’  by M.S.Chadrasekhara Varyar ,

Monday, March 5, 2012

Chakras in human body

There are three primary channels in which conscious creative energy circulates in the subtle body.They are  Sushumna (central nadi) , Ida and Pingala. They are arranged like the medical symbol Caduceus, a  straight centre( Sushumna)  flanked by  two channels (ida and pingala) that  crisscross over the centre.The each crossover points are centers called Chakras. Sushumna is the  seat of Kundalini(Jeevathma). Chakras are described in Yoga kundalini Upanishad , related to Krishna Yajur Veda.
There are seven major Chakras. Chakras are visualized as lotus flowers of different number of petals.
1.Muladhara      – Root Chakra              -  placed in Spine Base         – 4 petals
2. Swadisthana   - Sacral Chakra            -  placed in Genitals              -  6 petals
3. Manipuraka    – Solar Plexus chakra – placed in Navel                   – 10 petals
4. Anahata           – Heart Chakra             - Placed in Chest                    - 12 petals
5. Vishudhi          - Throat Chakra            - Placed in Throat pit              - 16 petals
6. Ajna                 - Third eye Chakra         - Placed in Eyebrow centre    - 2 petals
7.Sahasrara           - Crown Chakra             -Seat of Self Realization         - 1000 petals

Sahasrara Chakra is the junction point between individual and devine.
The role of yogic practice to rouse the sleeping Kundalini , allowing it to rise through nadis and chakras  and finally to merge with Absolute in Sahasrara chakra.

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