Friday, March 23, 2012

One of the main slokas in Bhagavad Githa

 Bhagavath githa is part of Mahabharatham written by Veda Vyasa . It consist of 18 chapters  starting from 25 to 42 in  Bhishma parvam of Mahabharatham.

Karmanye vadhikarasthe
Ma bhaleshu kadachana
Ma karmaphalahedur bhu
Ma the sango sthwakarmani (2:47)

The four main principles of karmayoga is described here.

1. Karma yogi’s concentration is only doing karma (duty).
2.  He should not have anxiety for the result.
3. He should not have desire for a special result.
4. He should   interested in  doing  his duty.

Courtesy : The Book ‘Srimad Bhagavath Geetha’  by M.S.Chadrasekhara Varyar 

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