Saturday, February 25, 2012

Some facts about Ravana , Brahma Deva and Brahmastram

It is said that Ravana has ten heads. The ten heads really is a symbolic representation of his knowledge. Ten heads means Ravana had mastered 4 vedas (Rig veda, Sama veda, Yagur veda and Adharva veda) and 6 vedangas (Shiksha - phonology, Kalpa –rituals, Vyakarana – grammar, Nirukta – etymology, Candas –meter and Jyothisa – astronomy). To learn each of these takes entire human life. But Ravana learned all in his life. So he is called Dashamugha.

It is said that Brahma has four faces. This means the x axis, y axis, z axis and time axis. All these axes are for Srushti(Production).

Brahmastra is the astra or celestial weapon created by Lord Brahma and has the power to destroy entire world at once. The inner meaning is that Brahmastra is brahmanjanam (reaches supreme lord) and once a person attains that knowledge, all the duality disappears and he sees the entire universe as one.

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